
Credibility bursaries 

Funding to help you gain knowledge on how to boost credibility in your work

The BNA is able to offer a limited number of bursaries each year to help researchers attend meetings where they can gain knowledge and skills to help make their research as credible as possible.

These bursaries are made possible through the funding provided for the campaign by the Gatsby Foundation, and are open to both members and non-members.

BNA credibility bursaries

The BNA provides support to cover travel costs for postgraduate researchers and ECRs to attend events that will help to strengthen the credibility of their work. There would be an expectation that recipients would fully participate in the event, and be able to demonstrate how the event will be of benefit.

We're delighted to be able to offer support as follows:

  • BNA members are eligible for up to £200
  • Non-members are eligible for up to £100 (not a member? Join now)

Who is eligible?

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • BNA members must hold a current postgraduate or ECR membership
  • Non-members must be at a career stage:
  • Postgraduate - Masters / PhD / F1 / F2; or
  • Early Career Researcher -  within the first five years following completion of their highest degree (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) or, for clinicians, the first five years following completion of F2, or for clinical psychologists, the first five years after starting a Professional Doctorate or work as a Clinical Psychologist. 
  • You must be applying for an upcoming event that you will be attending, and which is clearly focused on boosting knowledge of credible initiatives (e.g. a conference on open science practices, a workshop on using R,  etc).
  • Bursaries are limited to one per year.

What these won't fund

These bursaries are aimed at enabling neuroscientists to attend events and training specifically relating to credible research practices, such as reproducibility.

These will not cover attendance for general neuroscience event (e.g. the BNA Festival of Neuroscience, SfN, FENS Forum etc) without an explicit demonstration of how this will contribute to credibility in neuroscience. For general neuroscience events, check out the BNA's other bursaries and grants on the BNA website.

How to apply

Apply now via our online form.

Luca Discepolo, postgraduate student at the University of Bristol

Our bursaries helped Luca gain important credibility-boosting knowledge at the Computational Neuroscience, Neurotechnology and Neuro-inspired AI Autumn School at the University of Ulster.

Caroline Toste, postdoctural research associate at the DRI at Cardiff University

Our bursaries helped Caroline strengthen Bioinformatics data skills through an EMBL-EBI course on multi-omics data integration and visualisation, which will be used for making Caroline's work more reproducible. 

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